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Medical equipment repair

Repair of medical equipment is very important for the quality of medical services. Urgent repair of medical equipment will allow you to keep all the equipment in good condition and not interrupt the treatment process.

Repair and maintenance of medical equipment can only be performed by experienced specialists of such qualification. Medical equipment differs in many respects from conventional household appliances in its design, and therefore masters of the necessary qualifications are needed here.

Medical equipment is usually expensive equipment, and if it breaks down, it will be more reasonable to repair it. This will save costs and extend the life of medical equipment. It is clear that for a quality repair, it will most likely be necessary to replace damaged components or parts, but this will be much cheaper than replacing the entire device.

Repair of medical equipment includes diagnostics and restoration of the health of a large number of equipment.

Here are just some of the equipment that needs to be repaired.

  • tomograph repair
  • MRI coil repair
  • MRI and CT service
  • gamma camera repair
  • x-ray machine repair
  • ward x-ray machine repair
  • angiograph repair
  • C-arm repair
  • mammograph repair
  • ultrasound machine repair
  • thermal printer repair for ultrasound
  • portable ultrasound machine repair
  • patient monitor repair
  • fetal monitor repair
  • ventilator repair
  • repair of anesthesia and respiratory apparatus and resuscitation devices
  • neonatology equipment repair
  • ECG repair
  • X-ray bone densitometer repair
  • maintenance and repair of linear accelerators, etc.

In practice, there can be much more options for repair work, and these issues are resolved by a medical equipment repairman.

Repair of medical equipment can be carried out at the place of its installation. To do this, you will need a visit of the master with diagnostic equipment, tools and spare parts. In order for the master to complete his work quickly and efficiently, it is advisable to provide him in advance with as much detailed information as possible about the device and about the malfunction.

Repair of medical equipment is possible for various areas of medicine: for dentistry, for gynecology, for therapy, for surgery, for various diagnostic devices.

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